Homework will be given out weekly, on Tuesday. It will be returned to school on the following Monday.

In consultation with the students in this years Puriri 2 Homework will follow these guidelines.

The children will be given a basic facts, maths sheet that will link to their targets; a list of spellings to learn in what ever way works for them; some will get 5 words; some up to 7 and some 10 and they will be expected to read at least 5 times during the week and record what they have read. They can read any type of text they want as long as they read.

They have decided they would like to do Projects but this is not compulsory. They get rewarded for each project they choose to do with 10 white house cards. The students that produce the 3 possible projects each term will be rewarded at the end of each term also and at the end of the year the overall top project students will receive a prize. The students can choose to do their projects on any thing that interests them but if they need help on choosing a subject I am happy to oblige. They can present their project in any form they like to me or the class; they choose.

I hope that giving the students the chance to decide what their homework will look like this year will encourage them to take more responsibility for it.