Tēnā Koutou, Talofa Lava, Malo e Lelei, Namaste, Ni sa bula, Noaia’e mauri, Fakalofa lahi atu, Kia Orana, Ni Hao, An Nyung Ha Sai Yo, Nay Ho, Hej, Hallo, Sawat Dee, Cześć, Goeie Dag, សួស្តី, Здравствуйте, hola, 안녕하세요Greetings to our school families.
This week we have had ERO (the Education Review Office) in the school, as part of our normal review cycle. It was a hugely positive and affirming process – we had confirmation that the school is well placed, has strong systems and we are doing our best to focus on what our students need. I have mentioned previously that the upcoming changes to structured Literacy and Maths will have little impact on what we do here – we have been implementing Structured Literacy through Little Learners and Structured Maths via Prime Maths for several years now and have seen a huge shift in student achievement. Our official ERO report will be released sometime next term & I will share this in due course.
I would like to make special mention of our Board of Trustees; Hannah Edwards (Chair), Leteisha Morris, Kris Dempster-Rivett, Dave Hassan, Michelle Brogan & Sally Jack (Staff Rep). Our ERO Review partner made special mention to me of their level of professionalism, knowledge & the amazing job they are doing. Thanks also to the parents and students who gave their time as well.
Nga mihi,
Kathryn Ramel
School Diary
Week 10: Mon 23 Sept – Fri 27 Sept
- Mon 23.9 Olympic Ambassador Visit 9:10am in the hall Year 4 – 6 (composite classes also)
- Weds 25.9 Walkathon 12 – 3pm
- Fri 27.9 Whole School Assembly – end of Term Awards
- Fri 27.9 Last day of school for Term 3
Welcome to our new students – we hope you enjoy your time at our school!
Mealla M
Walkathon 2024 – next Wednesday 25 Sept
Our annual Walkathon is coming up in Week 10 (last week of Term). All funds raised will go towards updates and modifications on our playgrounds and updating our Bike/Storage around the school. So many of our kids use their wheel at lunchtimes – we need to make sure they can store these safely in a way they are taken care of. Our PTA will be selling BBQ Sausages for lunch along with Home Baking – further details out next week.
- Timetable
- 11:50pm Meet on Courts
- 12:00pm Kick off on the field
- 1:00pm – 1:30pm Compulsory Lunch Break
- 1:30pm – 2:15pm Laps around the school circuit (400m)
- 2:15pm Return to class, fill in laps on pledge sheet
- 2:45pm Buses etc
A Successful, but wet Travelwise Week
Well done to all the troopers who gutsed out the weather this week to still come to school in a Travelwise way. We wanted to mention our Head Travelwise Monitors Sammie, Aston, Grace, Jack and Cora, who did such an amazing job organising all the fun activities, and the cooked breakfast this morning. The winning class will be announced today, but there will be further Travelwise announcements, including the much anticipated staff Baby Photo Competition winner, at next week’s “End of Term” assembly.
Interschool Speeches
Well done to the courageous SBS students, Caitlyn, Etta and Emily who headed off to Warkworth School to take part in the Interschool Speech Competition. We were super proud of their efforts and Etta came away with FIRST PLACE whilst Emily was highly commended. Well done girls!
Hibiscus Coast Cross Country
Our very top runners progressed from our local Inter School Cross Country, to the Hibiscus Coast Cross Country, which was held at Shakespear Regional Park yesterday. Once again, our students achieved excellent results and did themselves proud:
- 1st place Year 5 Boys distance relay: Oscar B & Kortez R (even more amazingly, Oscar ran two legs!)
- 4th Place Year 5 Girls distance relay: Matilda VDM
- 7th Place Year 6 Boys: Jack H
- 8th Place Year 6 Girls distance relay: Gwen P-B & Fern Y (Gwen ran two legs as well!)
- 11th Place Year 5 Girls: Aria N
- 37th Place Year 6 Girls: Elvie S
Well done everyone – just qualifying for this event is extremely difficult, but to achieve such strong placings is amazing.
Success for Snells Beach School Hockey
What a great season our hockey teams had this year in the Mahurangi Junior Hockey competition!

Local events and activities
Adult Literacy
Thankyou to the local businesses supporting Skoolloop